Saturday, May 2, 2015

Microsoft HoloLens Disappoints

Did anyone actually expect anything else?

So, the Verge was on the scene at Build and reports in the video below about Microsoft’s HoloLens…
And guess what? It’s disappointing. Shocker.
It’s a cool idea, sure, but it just fundamentally doesn’t work, or at least doesn’t deliver on what it promised.
The screen is not immersive in the way that the press videos used suggest. You don’t see a full field of view world with your augmented reality imposed on all of it, rather you see your world with a small square of AR on it. It’s enough to immediately pull you out of the AR, and you stop believing any of it.
Also, as anticipated, the interaction gestures are still questionable. There are all sorts of air taps and voice commands, the former of which have consistently been shown to be frustrating on every platform that has tried to use them.
Beyond Microsoft’s shortcomings, the biggest question of this device is why would I want it? The use cases are cool in a tech demo, but I don’t think it improves anyone’s life experience in any way. Their biggest pushes are for 3D CAD modeling and gaming. For anyone who has ever done serious 3D CAD modeling, you would know that this headset would be basically impossible to use unless you used it solely as a monitor with dedicated mouse/keyboard/modeling tools plugged in. That would be entirely pointless.
On the gaming point, I think full VR has a much better gaming angle. The AR minecraft demo strikes me as a cool parlor trick, but not something that gamers would actually want. It’s not really any more immersive than screen gaming, and your world would end up very limited.
So color me not interested in HoloLens. But definitely let me know what you think about it in the comments.
via Medium

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