Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"Put some shoes on, you dirty hippy:" My answer to a question about barefoot running

RunningEngineering asked on tumblr a bit ago, “Does anyone know about barefoot running? Because I heard that it was good for knees who were hurt by impact but I don’t know if it’s good for tendons?”

I personally have been a barefoot style runner for nearly three years now. While I can’t speak for quantifiable data on it being healthier than shod running, I can say that it has helped me not experience knee pain while I run. I used to get the worst knee pain anytime I ran on concrete.
That being said, barefoot style running comes with its own pain. Your calves will kill until you’ve built up enough strength in them. Your distance and time will suffer as you build up muscles that you’ve likely never used before. I’ve heard that shin splints are also common. And if you run truly barefoot, you’re likely to blister and cut your feet like crazy.
I recommend that you try it out completely barefoot on a soccer field or some other open grassy area that is reasonably clear of debris. Try a short distance of a mile or less and just work on the forefoot strike. Once you’ve done this enough to get the feel of it, invest in some Vibram 5 Finger running “shoes” for running on roads/trails (if you enjoy it).
The key is getting the proper mid to forefoot strike down so that you don’t cause massive injury to yourself when you do run on concrete in minimalist shoes. There are video tutorials and what-not on the internet if you’re confused about the midfoot strike.

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